AND NO...for those of you wondering...I'm NOT talking about children!! Definitely not! :) I'm talking about three days worth of Giving Thanks, three days worth of Giving Reasons, and three days worth of life! I haven't let you all in on what's been going on around here the last few days, so let's take a gander...On Tuesday I was thankful for sleep. It was a long day and I was really tired (hence the first night of no blog post) and I was very thankful for sleep! For my Giving Reasons I donated to this sweet family. They just got on the waiting list to be matched with one OR TWO little girls from Ethiopia! I hope by the time they receive their referral they have ALL the funds they need to say YES! In other news...Havyn wore a mini tree skirt as a cape and rocked it like the little super hero she is. Her super power is sweeping. And she's pretty darn good at it! Em got a new beanie. I kind of love the way her little rubberband balls stick out the front! Daddy created a new Mathes family amusement park ride. It includes a laundry hamper and a dog leash and it's WAY too much fun! It's even more fun when we attach another leash on the other side and Mommy pulls one way and then Daddy pulls the other! On Wednesday the girls and I went to visit Grandma at school. She was in a meeting when we got there...but there are LOTS of fun things to play with at school! :) Both the girls immediately found these little rocking chairs. Havyn threw the bear out of hers and took its place. It's so fun when things are JUST your size! There are seriously SO many fun toys in a classroom! We found some rainbow colored dice and some cool yellow stacky-math-cube things. (don't you just love my descriptive abilities?!?) After we tracked down Grandma we all went to dinner. Pizza it was! The girls also got a side order of sliced pickles and milk. I so love that their likes and dislikes (ok not so much on the dislikes) are starting to show through! Up at the register there was a collection box for our local meals on wheels program. This is a really awesome program that takes food to people who, for whatever reason, can't leave their home. So for my Giving Reasons that day I dropped a donation in for a meal. For my Giving Thanks yesterday I was thankful for a warm home. I know there are many, many people in this world who do not have the luxury of being warm and cozy in the place that they call home. It's something that we in this county take for granted. When we got home Buggy helped the dogs eat their dinner. As far as she is concerned, they just wouldn't be able to finish a meal if she wasn't there to help them out. Then later she "helped" me with an art piece! She's SO much help! I just know she is going to be crafty when she gets older. Maybe I should get her a painter's smock for Christmas. :) This was how far I got while the girls were up. The rest would have to wait for bed time. This morning Jon surprised me with chai tea and a danish from the bakery in bed! I may or may not have eaten (ok maybe devoured is a more appropriate word) the danish before I thought to take a picture. He such an amazing sweetheart of a man. Exhibit A to prove my above statement! Daddy spent the morning reading to his girls before he had to go to work. Auntie Robyn brought a doll cradle that she refinished for Emersyn. Hayn thought it fit her better than any silly doll. Tonight the girls helped me with my Giving Reasons. We made cards to send to kids at St. Jude's Children's Hospital. We colored them up all cheery and fun and stuck them in an envelope to be sent off tomorrow! (I use the term "helped" very loosely here also! :)) If you want to do this all you have to do is send your envelope full of cards to 501 St. Jude Place Memphis, TN 38105. If you want to send gifts you call 1-800-822-6344 and ask what they need. DO YOU SEE THIS HAIR?!? I.AM.FIGURING.IT.OUT! And she wasn't even fresh out of the tub or anything! Hair, I will conquer you. You just wait and see! This afternoon I finished the art piece. I was kind of nervous about this one just because it's so big (16x20) and it's a wedding gift. I really wanted it to turn out awesome! I think it did! I really, really love it and I hope my client Rhyan does too! AND last, but definitely not least, today I am thankful for music. Music makes my soul happy. It's even better now with little ones. They hear music and they just start dancing. In public, in the tub, it doesn't matter, and that is JOYFUL to me!! Music has brought so much happiness to my life and it's already bringing happiness to my girls! :) And with that, good night and Happy Thursday everyone!