Sunday, Monday,'s been a fun weekend for us! What did we do you ask? Well, we wore our pants on our head... and we wore Daddy's boots which made our feet feel like lead... and we wore pretty pink baubles in our hair... and we used the potty chair... and we rocked out with our four teeth and bow... and we went to see Auntie before we went to the show... we went on a Twilight date...(the last movie was AMAZING...and so is my sweetheart for coming with me! ) and we went to our favorite burger joint and we ate...(Jon and I have sat in this SAME booth at this SAME burger joint since I was 15 years makes my heart happy) :) we seriously rocked the mohawk... and we visited cousin Baylor...this sweet horse is SO fun to rock!! And now I think the rhyme is over because, well, it would be way too hard to rhyme all of this. We also Gave Reasons. On Sunday I offered to help a really sweet friend of mine out with some Christmas presents for her daughter. She's a single mom who words WAY too hard and I know how hard things can get when you're the only parent. So I get to go pick some things out for a little bit bigger girl than I'm used to. It'll be SO much fun! On Monday I registered at It's this awesome site where you register for free and then you answer trivia questions. For every question you get right they donate 10 grains of rice to help end world hunger. I know, 10 grains?! BIG whoop, right?! Well I already racked up 2000 grains of rice in just a few mintues and I'll keep playing. It's kind of fun to play trivia with your family and if it helps someone in some little way then why not do it? They've already paid for enough rice to feed over five million people! Today I dropped off a baggie with a dryer sheet and some quarters in it at the laundromat. There was a lady sitting in there, looking WAY too bored, when I dropped it off so I kind of hope that she ended up using it! :) The other day Jon came home and asked me what I had done for my Giving Reasons that day. I told him and he said, "I'm proud to call you my sweetheart!". Just the way these random acts of kindness make me feel, and the fact that I can help other people, is reward enough...but that was extra icing on the cake. :) We also gave thanks. Sunday I was thankful for Bridget. Bridget is Shannon's sister that I wrote about in my last post. She has been almost like a twin sister to my little brother their entire lives. (In age...and looks...because they're WAY different in personality) :) She and I are kind of kindred spirits in the fact that we both are CRAZY in love with animals. She also reminds me of my youngest daughter. I'm fairly certain that Buggy will be a ginger, and left handed, and a crazy animal lover...just like her Auntie Bridget! Yesterday I was thankful for laughter...especially the laughter of my girls...what a beautiful sound!! Today I am thankful for rain. It was a VERY dry summer. I never really realized, until we moved back to Kettle Falls, how much I had grown to love the rain living in the Portland area. It smells good, it sounds so relaxing, and it makes everything fresh and clean. It has been pouring down rain for the last two days and I am thankful!! I hope you all have been having a good week. Happy Thanksgiving Eve-Eve! :)